[faster and faster] - Faster and Faster completes 10 Years

Discussion in 'Motorcycling News' started by Newsbot, Jun 26, 2016.

  1. Newsbot

    Newsbot All the news that's fit to excerpt

    Faster and Faster completes 10 years today!

    Back in 2006, I was a full-time automotive journalist, writing and editing for a couple of car and motorcycle magazines. Blogging, back then, must have been the 'cool' thing to do and a younger, more tech-savvy friend suggested that given my love for motorcycles, maybe I should set up a blog where I could write about bikes. I decided to give it a shot and, well, there's been no looking back.

    Given my deep, lifelong love for fast bikes, doing Faster and Faster has been deeply satisfying. Over the years, I've enjoyed the process of hunting for new, interesting stories, talking to bikers the world over, interviewing motorcycle racers, designers, engineers and craftsmen, and putting together motorcycle stories which, I hope, hundreds of thousands of people have enjoyed.

    Here's looking forward to the next 10 years. I'll try and keep that throttle pinned. Hard. Hope you're on for the ride.

    Sameer Kumar
    Founding Editor and Publisher - Faster and Faster

    Click here for full story...